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Unsteady seeing


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I tried to get some luna imaging done tonight but the seeing was not at all good, boiling away, so I gave up as there is nothing worse than frustratingly wasting your time.

Plan b, complete fresh Polar realignment, and time to build a new Alignment model. I even went as far as checking the reticule a bit on the polar scope, got it a touch better than before. I used the Polar align tool in EQmod then built up my alignment model, things were looking much better from the get go, which was encouraging, I saved did a reboot unparked, performed a slew to Jupiter and it was pretty much spot on.

A productive evening regardless of seeing :)

Oh and M45 with my Meade 80mm and a telvue 32mm... Gorgeous!

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I'm glad the seeing is poor... Been suffering with flu this weekend and have been threatened with having various parts of my anatomy chopped off if I ventured out having seen how clear the sky is tonight... So it's quite comforting to know seeing is pants... (removes tongue from cheek :) ) - though like you I could of done with the time to re-polar-align the mount after mucking about with the belt conversion.

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It's not too bad here - the Great Red Spot is showing nicely with my 4" Vixen :)

I'll have a go at E & F Trapezium when Orion gets higher above the rooftops (and the central heating thermals :)).

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