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Konusmotor 70, any good?

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I am toying with the idea of getting into astronomy but not sure which scope to go for. I am tracking a konusmotor 70 refractor but think maybe i should get a larger reflector. What can i expect to see with a refractor? Has anyone any experience of Konus scopes?

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Seben and Konus are not really recommended. Stick with Celestron and Skywatcher for beginners telescope. They have good starter refractors and reflectors.

What is your observing situation? How portable do you need it? How dark is your sky?

You might want to try binoculars first, much easier to use and will let you get a feel of your observing habit.

I started with bins and sure enough found out that I want something quick to setup, no astrophotography, no power packs, large aperture (to beat light pollution).

So I settled on an 8"/200mm f6 Dobsonian reflector.

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Hi there,

I would probably give that telescope a miss. It's not a make I've ever heard of & I would say you really want to stick to the bigger brands like skywatcher, meade, orion, celestron etc. That way you know you're most likely to be getting a quality scope.

You don't mention how much you're looking to spend. If you could tell us that please it would be easier to recommend something to suit you within your given budget.

If you're just starting & want an easy scope to setup & use & be able to see many objects then you might want to look at Dobsonian newtonian reflectors like this:-

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Skyliner 150P Dobsonian

In visual astronomy, aperture is king as the bigger the aperture, the more light collected which in turn enables you to see fainter & more distant objects. With a scope like this you would have a wealth of objects available to look at, such as solar system objects & deep space objects like galaxies & nebulae.

The good thing about this scope as well is that it is easy to set up & easy to move about the night sky. Dobsonians will also give give you more aperture per £ than a refractor.


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