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Hup hup Holland!


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My back garden is right in middle of a Dutch town, so light pollution is always going to be a problem. But I have a badly designed street light looming over my southern garden fence.

I complained to the gemeente (council) a couple of months ago and nothing happened. I phoned again on Friday and got a call yesterday that they had put a screen on the light... ;-)

I rushed home have a look and there is a screen indeed, but it is very small - it looks like they put a single strip of tape around the half of the light facing my garden... :-( I estimate it cuts the light by maybe 50%.

It's nice they did something so quickly. Full marks for effort. I will see if they are prepared to make the screen a little bigger.

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With GPS who needs landing lights anyway? With satnav, who needs street lights? :-)

Tell that to the delivery guy that tried turning around our cose today and took his front lights out on concrete bollard!

However your point is quite valid

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If they've only done 1/2 a job, why not call them back and offer to supply the necessary stuff to do the job properly? Whether it's a roll of super thick ductape or an aluminium shield with some holes drilled in a suitable place, they might appreciate the gesture?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had a few weeks of the streetlight screen and I have to say it makes a big difference. The light is still there, and obviously they could screen it more completely, but the light no longer casts a glare over any part of my garden. The weather has been appalling recently so I have not had a proper extended session lately, but I'm very pleased and gave the council a dank-u-wel call.

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