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A question on the so called moon conspiracy.


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There has always been an oft mentioned conspiracy that NASA never put anyone on the moon. The shadows were wrong blah blah blah.

A while ago I'm talking a couple of years probably I heard that a Japanese satelite was bening sent to the moon to do some close imaging of the surface. It was said that as a result of this evidence of a landing would be seen.

Does anybody remember this? Am I imagining it? Has such a mission taken place and if so did they find the left over kit from the landings?

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The only Japanese Lunar mission I know of was their ill fated 2004 attempt. I am not certain what the goal was, but it was beset by so many problems, it was finally abandoned. I think I remember something related to seismology tests, which would probably mean a crashing of the vehicle onto the lunar surface. I am sure more info could be found on this subject. It probably does not tie in with what you have in mind Matt.

Ron. :)

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If it was 2004 that could have put it in my time frame. So I guess they never got there. CIA sabotage :)

Only joking.

Checked out that link Ant and can assure you my question is related to the Japanese mission (or any other mission) rather than questioning any conspiracy.

Thanks for the link Trevor, very interesting article.

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My astro club recently had a talk from Brent Archinal, a geologist working for NASA. The LROC mentioned will send back pictures for mapping purposes, much like surveyors catalog Earth for developement. (Not to worry, they're just mapping, not developing!) He told us this will be the most extensive imaging of the Moon to date. The Apollo missions mapped only a small fraction of the surface, and their interest was more for future landing sites of interest. This mission will map the lunar surface in nearly the same detail as Google Earth or Google Mars, (actually, better resolution that Google Mars). It should be exciting.

My only comment about the Japanese mission would be, even if it had succeeded, why would the conspiracy theorists believe those images and not the thousands of images returned from the actual surface? Answer: They wouldn't. It's the nature of the beast. They'd have to find a new hobby. Maybe, politics?

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