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Collimation of small binoculars


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Bought another pair of bins on eba..£3.20 this time

After lots of attempts I finally stumbled on a way to collimate these old Japanse Vipor 10 x 50 wide angle binoculars.

I got them open...hurdle 1..I identified the prisms could be removed and cleaned..hurdle 2...but collimation..

I tried so many options and then thought...I need something I can put down the side of one of the the prisms that can be made bigger in increments to align the prism..

Finally it dawned on me..tin foil! So put folded tin foil down the side of on of the prisms and kept re-testing until I had enough to push the prism enough to bring the two images together.

Now I have well (95% accurate) collimated clean binoculars..:icon_confused:

So there you go..top tip of the day..


P.S Idea given in good faith..its easy to ruin binoculars by opening them..easy to scratch the prisms etc so proceed only if you do not care if you ruin your bins as they are already useless through poor collimation..


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Thanks big Daz...I have done collimation this way on big bins 20 x 80 etc but the small ones generally including these Vipors did not have any screws.

They are alright now..I could cleanly split struve 747 under the Orion nebula!


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