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Star Analyser and Rainbow Optics comparison Spectra

Jack Martin

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I have used both the Star Analyser and Rainbow optics. The dispersion for the Star Analyser can be changed by putting the cell further from the detector to make it larger. I use the Star Analyser for both visual work, with an eyepiece and with a DSI Pro II for imaging with an 8" LX90. I also use a Lhires III with 2400 l/mm grating with a 12" LX200 for high resolution work. I process the spectra with RSpec. After struggling with the French freeware RSpec is a refreshing change.

For use with the DSI Pro II I have two configurations. I have the low profile adapter on the camera with a dark slid. One configuration I screw the Star Analyser into the nose piece. This gives me both the star (zero order spectrum) and first order spectrum. By screwing the Star Analyser in the nose of a star diagonal the DSI Pro II fills the window with the spectrum.

I have attached an image with two line profiles of Vega I took last night. The top is a 0.03 second exposure with the Star Analyser in the nose of the DSI Pro ii. The second is 0.18 second exposure with the Star Analyser in the nose of a Star Diagonal. Both were taken with an 8" LX90 and processed with RSpec. No calibration has been performed on the profiles yet.


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The TransSpec spreadsheet, available on the Rspec group will help determine the resolution and plate scale for the various gratings.

The resolution of a grating is around 30A. Getting a bit more dispersion, depending on the CCD pixel size can make the analysis of the spectrum a little easier.

Good results. Well done.

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