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Big Reshuffle

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After picking up my Skymax 180 and getting the best vies of Jupiter I have ever had, this has inspired me to complete reshuffle my gear.

For DSO imaging im going to use my Meade 80mm and my 250 newt, having 3 refractos so simular to each other was pointless, both these scopes can guide each other so i am happy with this setup.

For Planetary and Luna Imaging, (im not considering DSO) ill be using the skymax 180.

My big clearout is to fund a Moonlite, DMK and filters for Planetary imaging which is going to set me back a fair bit.


Well why not?

To be honest as I have not got a Mono CCD as of yet Narrowband is not going to happen for a while, and it is a shame to scrap a clear night because of the moon.

And of course the rules are, I have to sell what I have to Fund what I want bar a few quid if needed... ok dear LOL :)

Also I think my CCD not working has inspired so change also

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You do right Earl, the 180 is a serious piece of glass, a very good scope, i look forward to your lunar shots, did you get the black diamond version, like mine?

I have ditched the 2" diagonal in favour of a 1.25 GSO dialectric for mine it sits better in the visual back and i dont need 2" for what i use it for

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Yes mine is the Black Diamond version with the new Connection also (lucky i already have an adapter to attach the moonlight from my Filter Wheel connectors.. I hope LOL) this had no accessories when i got it, but I have a Williams Dielectric 2" diagonal which works a treat.

I did some Luna work with my old DMK using a 8" newt, I cant wait to try this out for the same, I wonder how many panes it will need for a mosaic without a barlow. (ill try a barlow later)

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