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First light with Skymax 180


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This is a somewhat of a larger Mak than the 4se I used to have, Seeing was a bit naff to start with as I have a hazy thin cloud but Jupiter was shining through it so I left the scope tracking with my 32mm TV plossl, after a few hours everything had cleared, seeing was id say 7 out of 10 maybe a touch better.

I put in my 25mm I was very impressed with the view, very clear lines on Jupiter upped this to my 8mm which is the highest power I have Still very impressive but the quality was starting to go at this power a sign seeing was not as good as it could be i guess.

Overall I can see why these scopes are called Planet Killers I did not look at anything else with it as sleep was calling but Im sure i will have plenty of fun with this scope, until i upgrade it (I plan to get a 9.25)

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