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My Bucket List


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As a newbie to astronomy there is a whole universe of sights waiting to be seen for the first time, so here are my top 5 of things I really want to see before I fall off my perch

1. The Northern Lights. Not sure if this is astronomy or not, but still really want to view them.

2. Saturn through a good scope. After seeing how good Jupiter looks with its moons, Saturn must be very impressive.

3. A decent meteor shower. Maybe not one as intense as the shower at the beginning of Day Of The Triffids, but close would be good!

4.The Southern Hemisphere LMC. Been reading about this in Turn Left At Orion, and it sounds mighty impressive.

5. A whole week in the UK without clouds. Will never happen I fear.

If all 5 will be possible, we will have to see!

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Managed 1, 2, 3.

LMC haven't seen but been in Aus and NZ 3 times.

Remember that what you see is a processed photograph.

Seen the pictures on Andromeda? Go look at it through a scope. Slight difference.

No cloud for a week.

Guess that means you didn't exist or recall 1976.

We had a warm clear spell about 5 weeks ago. People here were complaining of clear skies, warm nights and utter lack of sleep.

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I can claim 2,3 and 5 (yes, I know the weather is rarely favourable but i'm sure May was pretty good)

Be interesting to see some other bucket lists.

Here's mine:-

1. Total Solar Eclipse (closest i've been is around 97-98% totality)

2. Completion of the Messier list

3. Neptune (to complete my observed Solar system)

4. Omega Centauri (after buying my own Caribbean island just for the latitude - see 5)

5. To win lottery and build my own observatory and fill it with toys! :)

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