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Strange happenings


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Spent the first part of the evening drift aligning the mount, and started imaging at 10pm ish, subs 1 to 20 ok subs 21 to 25 stars suddenly went egg shaped, and I meen rugby balls! So I checked the guiding - spot on, checked for traped leads - all ok, so I restarted the guiding and waited for the first sub, which was back to normal, all cool again. I nipped out after 1/2 hour to check all and found eggy stars again, the first new sub was ok the rest were tosh! So I parked the scope, checked leads etc and could find nothing, went back to target, recalibrated guiding and started imaging. It's now 3.49 am and the subs are all back to normal !!

I dont know what caused it, I dont know what fixed it....just one of those things that we all enjoy from time to time :)

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Absolutely par for the course. I sometimes get 'random guiding events' and just restart the guiding from a new picture. If that doesn't work (though it usually does) I close and re-open the guide programme after switching off the camera. Sure, I check for snags and sometimes find them, unplug leads and refit them, etc. I may even give the counterwieghts a move, even though they have been untouched for two months and have been fine till now.

It's a dark art. No logic! Guest often say to me, Well, what's the point in doing that? My reply is to say that I need to be as illogical as the problem to find the solution...


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