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Which camera


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Right...I have no planets to look at and the moon is not around in my neck of the woods so want to turn my attention to DSO's I need a cam. I have asked this before but this is really just a update in case there is anything new out there. I am thinking mainly toucam modded, so what is the best mod to go for ? Or is there a viable alternative.



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Sorry Chubs - can't help you either - had my Astronomiser modded cam arrive the other day, and I've been pretty much cloudbound ever since. :/

If this is the treatment I get for a little webcam, I hate to think what the skies going to do when I go 'scope shopping!


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As always, it depends on your budget mate.

Cheapest option would be a modded webcam, starting at SC1 and going upwards. Next stop is the Atik IC which is 16 bit and cooled, but basically webcam sized chip. At this level you are also into DSLR territory where you get a much bigger chip, colour and the option to do other stuff with it as well. Then you get onto the heavy duty stuff from Atik and Starlight Xpress at £1000 plus.

Don't forget to add a filter wheel and loads of expensive filters if you go mono CCD as you will want these if not need them.

So how much are you allowed to spend. :D

Captain Chaos

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