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Three nights on a Widefield DSLR Veil


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Finally finished processing all the data from 28/29/30 September

Optics: Canon 300mm f/2.8L stopped down to f/5

Camera: modded Canon 450D, RAW, ISO800

Exposure: 53x5mins

Calibration: 30+ darks, 40+ flats

Filter: Astronomik CLS EOS-clip

Guiding: LX webcam, 300mm f/4.5 lens, PHD, 1.0sec

Mount: EQ6 with EQMOD driver

Processing: register & stack in DSS, colour balance & saturation & gaussian smoothing in IRIS, levels & curves & noise reduction in PixInsight

click for full size version (4248x2743, 2MB, from Google Docs)


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