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If Anyone's Interested?(I'd be suprised!)

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well done tinny on your superb choice of scope but i suggest before it arrives you try and find out a little about the night sky through your bino's and a star chart then when it comes you'll be one step ahead at finding the stuff you want to look at firstly happy viewing an clear skies always jimmythemoonlight :)

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thanks everybody!

I love the genuine enthusiasm in this lounge...you astronomers are a special breed!

I did have a proper think about the size malc, after seeing a youtube video, and to tell the truth they were a bit bigger than I realised. However, after deciding not to go for conventional GOTO, my budget was freed up to spend on aperture, which even with my limited knowledge seems like a effective use of funds. Much more fun!

Thanks for the barlow tips...which are coming fast so I guess the general consensus is there a good purchase...def gonna look into those

Has anybody got any idea what kind of quality the provided ep's may be tho?

Is there such a thing as a stargazers lounge star party? I think would get a record for the most nice people in one place!

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Has anybody got any idea what kind of quality the provided ep's may be tho?

Probably acceptable for now. I got my XX12 with a dodgy 35 mm 3-element eyepiece which thankfully it looks like you haven't been graced with. The 10 mm they provided was ok. Spend some time with the sky and some point you'll want some different focal lengths. You could choose some from a wider-field eyepiece line, perhaps. An eyepiece of about 19 mm to 15 mm would probably be a nice addition at some point.

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Thanks jimmyjam! I didn't want to credit myself with that title but I realised something funny....even though I've lived in the country all my life suddenly I am seeing the stars..I mean really seeing them..Its like I've been walking with my head down all my life!

I don't want to sound too over the top but it really gives you a new understanding your existence and insignificance, or at least an enlightened raison d'etre as you try make sense of it all!

Back to earth with a bump tho, I realised I'd forgotten to tax my car and got an £80 fine...don't they realise I've got more important things to think about!

Hmmm fingers crossed for the ep's uma, at least I know who to help me find some new one's if I need too!

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Don't worry about the £80 fine - once you look through that scope and get lost in the stars you'll realise how insignificant the fine is. Then you'll remember you coulda got a good eyepiece with eighty quid.

My Mrs tells me if I stopped smoking I'd have a set of ethos's in a year lol. Very nice scope btw :)

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