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Jupiter 27 September 2011


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Finally got a chance to image Jupiter last night using my new (to me) equipment - well some of it!

A frustrating start to the evening caused by a few equipment problems, which involved scrabbling around in the dark trying to find a dropped screw! Luckily, I was successful. I've managed to sort out a tracking issue with the mount, at last, so it was following Jupiter nicely towards the end of the session.

I used the mono SPC900 to capture a few AVis, on its own initially and then thru a 4x Imagemate. I've had the Imagemate for about 2 years, but this is the first time I've used it. With the webcam it gives approx 667x, which is pretty darned difficult to focus with! The larger images need some work on focus, but it's a learning curve. I've also got to couple all this up with using LRBG filters as well!

Taken thru a f5, 200p SW, using SharCap and a modified mono SPC900. Between 1000 and 2000 frames at 30fps, stacked in Registax.






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I like the 3rd image picked up some real nice detail on that

I know what you mean about trying to focus i can sit there for a good forty minutes tweaking it and still not happy with it can be a real bind

Nice job


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