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My Best Jupiter Yet. 24/9/11


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Should of said before but the Telescope's a Celestron 127mak, spc900 cam, 2x meade barlow

Taken from Kent

I was so pleased with the pic as all the others are a blurry mess!

Must have been really good seeing, also found turning the gain right up and using the moons to focus worked best for me.

Cant wait for the next clear night as they have been really misty/dewy since.


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Very much better than my attempts at Jupiter with pretty much the same kit. My excuse is that the seeing was poor :p

Interesting that you're using lots of gain. I've always had the impression that you should keep the gain as low as possible. What software were you using for capture?


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Hi i only turn the gain up to max and 5 fps to make the moons visable as i find it easier to focus the small points of light.

Soon as there nice bright dots of light i return the fps back to 15/30 and adjust shutter speed/Gain to suit.

All done on sharpcap/Registack 6

Im no expert but what really helped was playing with 'linked wavelets' and the 'denoise' 'sharpen' values

I just need some more good nights its very adictive, already got some video from tonight but i can tell its not as clear as the 23/24th


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