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My first few attempt, cirtique and advice wanted...

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Sorry, seems I can not embed images in my post so I have to give you links.

I bought a setup a little over a month ago and just finally got to where I can say I tried some serious astrophotography. It takes time to learn the software, learn to polar align (where the heck is Polaris!!! heh) and get everything working together. Not to mention figuring out what equipment you need.

My first attempt on 09/20 was M31 the Andromeda galaxy and this is one of the raw images:


Then I stacked and edited in Lightroom and Photoshop to create this:


10 300sec lights, 3 darks, 3 bias, Nikon D7000, 800iso, DSS

Last night was my second attempt and it gave me raw images of M8 the Lagoon nebula that looked like this:


Then I stacked and edited them into this:


15 150sec lights, 5 darks, 5 bias, Nikon D7000, ISO1600, DSS

One thing to keep in mind is that I have only had the scope for a little over a month and I tell you that so you can provide suggestions that I might actually understand

I would love to hear any and all comments, suggestions for improvement or advice you can offer. The main thing I am looking for is directions to go to make these better. There are lots of beginner material out there but what I have read seems to get me to where I am now and gives very little after that.

Thanks in advance.


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Allan, these are very good indeed for someone who has only been doing this for such a short time. I think my only observation would be that I feel your focus is a little 'soft' and on the third image, you have over-sharpened the image to compensate and this has given some of the stars an unnatural appearance. The M8 image is rich in colour with great star shapes but again, a little soft to my eye. I would carry on as you are because you are on a roll but nail that focus down.

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I am using a mask for focusing so I think my focus is right, but I may have overdone the noise reduction to get a nice smooth black background (the noise reduction does some sharpening to light objects as well) so I may calm that down a bit and see what it does. I will however triple check my focus, thanks.


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I would follow a bunch of other people's suggestions that I have heard regarding other astro-photos, and that would be to back off the ISO. See if 800 gives you less noise.

Great shots! I wish I were doing as well . Our weather has been totally un-cooperative, and I have probably not had more than a dozen or so good nights under the stars since last spring!

Jim S

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