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Solar viewing, cornado pst some feedback please

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Solar viewing, cornado pst, I have heard quite a bit about this bit of kit, but can someone explain what exactly I will be able to see on the sun with it. I only have solar sheets now so I get a nice big white circle, well where does the pst take me too, would appreciate any pictures you may have, but would prefer to see some with the basic kit, as it comes sort of thing. Many thanks.

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You can see surface detail and solar prominence's as well as sunspots

The kit you get is the scope and a eyepiece !

Are you coming along to the star party ?,if you are there will be a couple there i think and your welcome to have a look through mine.

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PF, check out my solar PST images in the appropriate section. You'll be able to see all that and more. No kidding. The PST is camera unfriendly as the image is very monochromatic, so you almost have to use a mono CCD camera. Then you have to process the colour back in, but it doesn't look as good as it does live. Also the camera dynamic range isn't as good as your eye so the camera can usually manage either the proms or the surface detail, visually you will get both together. Add to that the fact that the surface is actually moving about and daytime seeing is generally poor, which means that stacking isn't a cure-all like it is on the moon, all adds up to PST images being less WOW! than the visual version. It's the opposite to DSO imaging really.

Captain Chaos

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A solar observing scope of some kind is standard kit, if you ask me. Since the Sun is in "quiet mode", you have some time, but when it ramps up, you'll be very glad you have one.

CC describes the view through a PST very well, as usual, Pete's images notwithstanding. :D It actually does look better than the images.

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Of course once you have got a PST then you can save up to get the (expensive) screw in bit that double stacks it. Then, once both tuners are tuned, you really do see masses of detail even on a very boring (no spots, no flares) sun.

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