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If money was no object, what would the best astro software to use be?


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Pixinsight is quite good for astrophotography. It was specifically made for it and does most of what you listed. You can get a free trial of it and give it a shot. I know you said money doesnt matter, but I think the price was around $400. I dont believe it does any capturing however.

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If money was no object, I would give The SkyX Professional with the TPoint add-on a try.

I did give the trial version of MaximDL a go - can't say I was overly impressed with the interface, however I would like to try it again now I know a bit more and have a completely different setup with a CCD.

I also tried Pixinsight and found it downright difficult to get on with.

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I can't answer the question, but personally I consider the various software packages to be just another part of the observing "system". Just like an eyepiece, a filter, or a mount.

So you wouldn't buy a "money no object" eyepiece if you didn't have a telescope that would allow it to show its excellence. Or a site that was good enough not to be a limitation.

Likewise, you'd need to have a pretty high-end rig and good, dark sky conditions to get the best out of "money no object" capture, stacking and digital darkroom software. You can't use software to turn a pig's ear into a silk purse - you've got to have good source material to work with, too. That means all the other parts of your observing system must be performing at the same level.

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I'd go for Maxim DL, Photoshop CS3, Pixinsight and Registar. Pix is a killer to understand and, let's be honest, is written by geniuses with little grasp of the art of communication (with thickos like me). It can probably do everythng but will you ever get on top of it? I use it for things I can understand. Photoshop is so good that everyone tries to hate it - always the sign of a good product. Maxim is the most sophisticated for anything to do with capture and pre-processing. Astro Art is a good second and much cheaper. Registar is a dream for combining different images from different scopes and cameras, something I love to do.

Without Harry Page Pixinsight would be dead in the anglophone water but even saying that will not save me from his wrath. But Harry, they need you on the payroll.


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I use APT for DSLR camera control, DSS for calibration and stacking, and Photoshop CS3 for processing. I don't feel limited b y the cheapo software apart from maybe missing Pixinsight's DBE tool.

I had a hooky copy of Registar on my old laptop and it was great, but it died along with the lappy.

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Money is an object, but that's never stopped me from getting the best....I just have nothing left :):D....still, your last suit has no pockets :)

So, for me (I've never tried Pixinsight), it's Maxim for capture, calibration and stacking, Photoshop CS3 for post stack processing and Registar for rescaling different image sizes etc.


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Money is an object, but that's never stopped me from getting the best....I just have nothing left :glasses2::D....still, your last suit has no pockets :rolleyes:

So, for me (I've never tried Pixinsight), it's Maxim for capture, calibration and stacking, Photoshop CS3 for post stack processing and Registar for rescaling different image sizes etc.


I'm with you there, Rob, but Pix does have some staggeringly good tools that I haven't found elsewhere. And that's from someone who has virtually no LP. If you do, then Pix moves up the pecking order even more urgently. You can do a free trial. If you fancy it I'd suggest you start with Dynamic Background Extraction, SCNR and Background Neutralization. WATNSFS is available from me for free. (Why Are The Names So dot-dot-dot Silly?)


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