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Can't get a graph in PHD

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If it says no cal then you have not completed the calibration routine for some reason. When you start PHD click on the camera icon first - the bottom of the screen changes from no cam to cam (assuming it finds a guide camera!!), then the scope icon, then the curly blue arrow to start taking exposures so you cn see the stars and pick your guide star - tap the scope so you can spot the occasional hot pixel - they don't move, then click on PHD and the calibration process will start - this can take quite a while! then the screen will say "guiding" at the bottom and you are done. You will then see the red and blue lines start to cross the graph.

Hope this helps to get you going

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Does the box and cross-hairs turn green and the word Guiding displayed on the bottom of the window ?

Unless it has performed a calibration run and started guiding then no graph will be produced. As Biz has pointed out, you basically work your way through the buttons from left to right, so it's connect to camera, connect to scope, start capturing (having selected a suitable guide star), then click on the target button. This should then start a calibration run the first time used, and then change the cross-hairs to green when completed and guiding has started. Select Tools > show graph and you should get a trace.

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