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Using EQ5 mount without balancing & alignment

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Hi peeps...

Need some advice. I have had myEvostar 120 & EQ5 mount now for several weeks, but due to various reasons (weather, work, etc) I have not had time or opportunity to carry out the alignment & balancing for RA & DEC controls.

My question is if I just want go outside and do some random observing for a few minutes can I mount the telescope in literally a couple of minutes, and start moving around the sky to observe, or will this cause some untold damage to gears, nuts & bolts etc.

Any advice greatly appreciated.


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Easy to do Andy - you can point the mount magnetic north and set the alt scale to your latitude. Use some tent pegs to mark where the tripod feet are so you can just pop it there in position on subsequent occasions.

Balancing is easy and quick so I'd recommend you do that once too. Use a bit of masking tape to mark where the balanced tube goes (eg near the rings). Then you're set to just run out and position the mount, pop the tube on and you're roughly aligned for visual use.

It's very rough and ready though - you'll be able to track in RA with odd tweaks in Dec. For imaging though you'd have to be infinitely more accurate :(

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Many thanks all. I have had a bash tonight and I have balanced the OTA & counter weight. There is a scale on the left hand side of the EQ5 mount, (scale 0 to 90) and I used the 2 T bolts supplied and set the Altitude to Latitude (Milton Keynes being 52 degrees) but very difficult to get spot on.

I think I have finally got it with the RA & DEC controls. I unlock the RA & DEC to scan about but when I find something of interest, lock the DEC & RA and use the controls for tracking objects.

Hopefully, that's how to use the mount correctly.

Thanks again.


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Hi Andy, that's exactly right, the slo-mo controls as they call them are most useful. I always rough align even though i have a polar alignment scope fitted, just because I am the same as you, just a visual observer. enjoy the experience!

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