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Has Gerradd 2009P1 split in two?

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This is a first rough and ready process of the subs that I took last night.

50 x 3 minute subs, flats and bias frames. Taken with the ED80, H9 - no filters.

The moon was once again very bright, but with less moisture and less wind the skies were better than a few days earlier.

Looking into other ways of stacking now to maintain the stars and comet.

But I haven't read anywhere that the comet has split (but in all honesty I haven't searched either.

Hope that you like it.



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Maybe it hasn't - but I cannot explain the second line! Any idea's anyone.

Here are another two images.

Aligned in PHD using the comet and star align, one with and one without calibration frames.

What could be the cause of the little kick that I have towards the top left of every star. I thought that it might have been the OAG - but i checked and it doesn't appear to be in the light path!?!

Again any thoughts.


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