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A few questions.

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Hey guys,

As someone new to astronomy I've obviously got a few question (you've probably heard them all before)

I got my first scope a skywatcher evostar 90, used it once because of the clouds.

I used it to observe the moon and even with a small scope I was amazed at the detail I could see.

I got a 25mm and 10mm eyepiece with the scope, would I be able to see more with say 6mm or would the image become blurry.

Also am I right in thinking if I wanted to use the scope during the day I would need to buy a new diagonal to correct the left/right image


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A better way forward would be to purchase a good quality Barlow 2x lens that can be used with both your EP's to give you the equivalent of 12.5mm and 5mm. At least this way you can use the Barlow on any EP's you may buy in the future. You may possibly buy a quality 6mm EP and find the views unsatisfactory.

There are no 'fixed in stone' measurements and what you are able to see will be dependant on the scopes optics, the EP's , seeing conditions and your own eyes. 5mm is probably pushing the scope to its limit with 180x magnification but should be OK on brighter objects such as the Moon and planets.

For daytime terrestrial use you will need a 45 degree erecting prism.

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Hi Michael - welcome to SGL !.

I would say that you will be able to make use of a 6mm eyepiece if the viewing conditions are good. If the views do get blurry then back off to a lower magnification. You scope will show lovely views of the moon, the brighter planets and double stars, all of which would benefit from a bit more magnification, when conditions allow.

Yes, you will need another diagonal / prism for daytime use. They are not so good for nighttime though (too much glass !) so stick to the normal mirror diagonal for that.

This is the William Optics erecting diagonal - there are lower cost ones around though:

First Light Optics - William Optics 1.25" 45 degree Erecting Prism

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Hi and welcome.

If you purchased a x2 Barlow lens you would be able to increase the power of your existing eyepieces - the 25mm would give the same magnification of a 12.5mm EP and the 10mm would give the same magnification as a 5mm EP. Barlows are commonly available and start from £25-30.

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