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OO Hilux Coating? Any Updates?

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Hi, its been a while since anyone discussed 00 Hilux coatings.

Has anyone had their mirrors coated and seen visual improvements?

I read one post where a person sold their SW scope and bought an OO scope based on all the hype, only to be dissapointed as it was not better but worse.

Would love to hear actual experiences.

Thanks :)

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You can see independent measurements here (but you have to fight to understand the Google translation):

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Incidently Wolfgang Rohr publishes his tests and they make fascinating reading. The Orion mirrors come out very well. Index here, with mirrors towards the bottom.

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I have no connection with Orion Options except as a customer.

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A while ago I downsized from a 3 year old 12" Meade Lightbridge to a 10" Orion Optics with Hilux coatings. My OO is 4 years old now with the original coatings and they still look pretty pristine.

I've not had the opportunity to try the scope "back to back" with another brands 10" but I've not noticed the views being much dimmer or inferior to the 12" Lightbridges although that is from memory as I did not get a chance to compare those directly either.

My feeling is that Hilux gives you robust coatings with a decent life span and a small increase in reflectivity, perhaps.

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