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Moon 10.09.11

Ivor Scope

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Hi there, just managed to get a few avi's of the moon last night before the clouds,

I only have a standard 200 skywatcher, and neximage. As times are hard i do not have a motor and due to poor seeing and drift the images were only stacked from about 15 or so shots. I was pleased with them until i saw some of the other outstanding pics on the forum, so, as my teacher said for years- must try harder!

First time ive posted images so apols in advance if they do not come out ok

thanks for looking




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You should be very pleased with those - they're much better than my first attempts!

Well done - more frames will make a world of difference, and there's a knack to balancing the wavelets / sharpening levels to extract more detail without introducing noise - keep experimenting!

Looking forward to seeing more


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