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Notts Uni Lecture-Pro Martin Rees


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  • 2 months later...

Attended the Lecture last night with Ibbo, thanks for the ticket by the way Steve, and it was very good.

It was presented by Sir Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal, who had only landed from San Francisco that afternoon. There wasn't a seat left by the time it got under way, fully booked by all accounts in a new and refurbished part of the Newton Building.

The talk concerned Astronomy, from the Big Bang, up to the emergence of life on this planet, and the possibility of life being elsewhere in not only our Solar system but on other planets.

Sir Martin was a particularly good speaker, with a nice dry sense of humour, especially where UFO and non evolution theories were raised.

There was a glass of what may be loosely described as wine after the talk, no second lap required!

Nice to have bumped into Damnut and Pete afterwards.

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The Image of Prof Rees acting as a service to introduce those who had been 'investigated' by aliens to each other and not to bother him is a mental (!) image I will treasure.

Nice to catch up with Baz Senior & Ibbo, at least the wine was a freebie, I think it was a left over from Austria when they were using ethylyne glycol as a top up!.


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