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Stacking and Processing Software

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Hi all... I'm using Nebulosity on my Mac Pro to reduce, stack and process my fits images. I used DSS a few times a couple years ago. Just curious what some of you guys (or gals) are using and what features drove you to use your preferred software package. Thanks in advance. :)

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I use maxim do calibrate, align and stack. Its very simple and does a great job.

Then into pixinsight and use the amazing DBE tool when needed, but it also offers great noise reduction and wavelet processing, mosaic construction, channel combination, dynamic crop which is simply an awesome tool, also its very easy for histogram stretching and curves, plus theres loads more I havent mentioned. Pixinsight is an astroimagers goldmine :)

Then onto photoshop and tweak curves, noels actions depending on the image. I sometimes also use photoshop photomerge when building a mosaic as it allows you to work in layers after you have merged all your frames.

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DSS, but I am really just getting started in this Astro-Photography.

I do have FitsWork, and PhotoShop Elements 9 for post processing, among other programs. I usually use FitsWork to convert the images from my camera ( Nikon D-80) to .bmp images so Elements can do more things to them. ( Stacking, layering, gaussian bluring, color balance, etc. etc. )

I have a lot to learn! Then I might pay some serious money for some image manipulating software.

Clear skies! Jim S.

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DSS is a worthy and free product but it makes me jumpy because it does too much behind my back! Not having worked out that bit of PI yet I do like to align my stacked colour channels in Registar before colour combining them because it is fantastically accurate and this helps with star colour. Since I started doing this I'm sure my star colour has improved.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the responses. I have a trial version of PixInsight. Note it took them 10 days to send me the trial download after I applied online, so be patient if you are going this route. I spent six hours today (wife not impressed) working through my first image with the PixInsight tutorials. I must say that I'm quite impressed, but feel like I know 1% of what it can do.... I saw enough to convince me to muddle my way through more. Lots of features and processing that I didn't have with Nebulosity.

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