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Guiding Help!! I'm out of ideas


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Hopefully someone can offer me an idea to solve my problem with guiding as I have run out of options to try.

I didn't use my HEQ5 from about the end of July until last week (about 3 weeks) and it sat on my backgarden pier under a waterproof cover as it always does.

When I came back to use my mount it will simply not guide at all in 1 axis. I use Maxim, and have never had an issue before. The program will calibrate fine, and begin to guide but after a couple of minutes the Y axis will veer off by up to 10 pixels, then reel back in at the same rate back to 0. Normal guiding then resumes for a couple of minutes, then a repeat of the veering off and return.

So, I took the mount off the pier & tweaked the top to ensure level, drift aligned again from scratch, re-checked my balance which was fine and tried again tonight. Double checked for a snagged cable, I could barely manage a 2 min exposure.

I switched over to PHD to see what would happen and it would not even begin to calibrate - about 1.2 pixels movement West on 30ish calibration steps.

All I can think of is trying a new ST4 cable - this mount was knocking out 20 min exposures up until the end of July.


PS I use a QHY5 / ST80 guide set up.

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1. Check ST4 cable

2. Check power supply to mount

3. Check calibration settings in Maxim

4. Check guiding settings in Maxim

5. Check the mount moves in the Guide tab in Maxim

6. Check the connection method in Maxim for the mount

I sometimes get this and is usually down to the calibration settings being 'out'!

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Hi Daz,

Thanks for the suggestions. I've not changed any settings in Maxim, they always worked out of the box for me.

Here are some captures of the settings taken this morning (no camera attached)

The mount is powered via mains 12v adapter and I guide via the QHY5 & ST4 sockets - no ASCOM or anything like that. The calibration process in Maxim works, producing the little L shape.

I don't think it can be just a software issue as PHD would not even begin to calibrate either.




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I would suspect the cable in that case.

3 weeks non-use should not be any problem at all for the HEQ5 - my EQ6 has sat for longer than that before.

I have ordered a replacement cable this morning from Bern, I really do hope it is the cable or else I really have run out of ideas!!!

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