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TheSky6 Help needed!


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Anyone out there using TheSky6? I've started using it to control my Tak mount but can't see a way to input the RA and DEC of an object not in the databases so you can slew to it. It must be possible (I hope) but I can't find out how to do it.

Thanks in advance,


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I had similar problems and ended up going to CdC.....but even that won't allow GOTO to an "empty space" ( it needs an object in it's database to work on!) the final solution was EQMOD which allows you to select a RA and Dec position and slew to it.


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IIRC "Move to" under the "orientation" menu (entering DEC,RA and Epoch ) and then hit the slew button?



there's the Data -> User Defined option to add a point to the User Defined Database and have "Move To" command associated with it...


I used to use it to control the CPC800 in the obs...


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