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Eruptive promince with full disk

Paul Haese

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Well the warning came out today that there was a prominence erupting on the solar limb and I managed to capture it just before the clouds marched in and spoiled the day.

There is plenty to see on the disk with some nice active areas but the prominence on the limb (at 2 o'clock on the limb) is the best feature for today. Take a look around the limb of all the prominence action. Seeing was not as good as on previous occassions, but still nice enough.

Click here for larger resolution image.


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Nice one Paul, thanks for that :). I was watching this develope on and off all morning before the usual cloud rolled in. The small bright blob just below the main prominence was interesting, it kept rising up with up to three "prongs" as if to meet it but always fell back before doing so. The main item showed quite rapid changes in brtightness and extension.

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