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OK this is a bit of an awkward one. I've been wondering about having a bash at wet film stuff since my boy got an old Olympus SLR camera given to him by his uncle. He seems quite keen to have a bash at film stuff but it's going to get expensive. He's more used to DSLR type machine gun photography and he'll get through loads of film very quickly. This leads on to home processing using B&W film as we've got all the kit for that stashed away somewhere. That in turn leads on to using my Pentax on the 'scope, but focusing is, as we know, a pain. So then I get to thinking about a Nikon SLR so that I can focus using the DSLR, change bodies and it should be good. But if I'm buying a film camera for £100, why not get a medium format SLR with a big focusing screen and use a magnifying glass to check focus?

Bottom line question is, how big can I go before the film is bigger than the patch of light landing on it? Scopes are ED80 and 200mm f/5 Newt.


Captain Chaos

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Indeed it does defeat the object of the exercise. The plan was for me to get more toys, not save money. :lol: Have you seen how cheap you can get the Hasselblad clones these days?

I've just had a piece of paper behind the ED80 pointed out of the window. The image is about 40mm diameter, so no good for medium format.

Now I need an LX200R as well! :D :D

Captain Chaos

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Update:- I "accidentally" just bought a Nikon F65 on E-Bay. Any tips on which type of film is cheap and where to get it from?

Probably whizz a 24 Exp. roll of colour print stuff through to start off with to see if the focusing works, then some HP5 or whatever they call it these days.

Captain Chaos

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