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Anyone guiding using a finderscope and Maxim?


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Have decided to try out Maxim for guiding. I currently use a finderscope and QHY5. At least I have got it all to recognise each other, so that's a start. I am using a guide that I found on the net that relates to the updates version of Maxim.

What I want to know is whether there is someone guiding with Maxim and a finderscope so that you can post your settings. I know that this is quite common with those using PHD, I have posted mine myself, but have not seen anything like this for Maxim.

Would appreciate some help please folks!! :)

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No, but a finderscope shouldn't make a difference (per se)...

So, once you have the guide cam connected and recognised, in Camera Control, Guide Tab, then Settings.

In here is where you set the control mechanism, and also the guide parameters. Adjust the X and Y axis Cal. Time settings so that the mount moves at least 15 pixels when doing the calibration step.

With my lodestar, OAG and ED80, this is typically 12-15 on both axis. With a finder, it's likely to be lower, 8-10 maybe?

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As with Sara, I use Maxim to guide and acquire, register, calibrate, align and combine for lights, flats, darks and bias.

It means I don't have one application for guiding and another for acquisition. Downside is it ain't cheap - although you can take out the MaxPoint module to reduce the costs.

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Daz, I tried to link the camera up with Maxim last night. I had limited success. I've got the most awful screen to look at when I tried to focus. Massive white lines and blockiness all of the place. Made it unworkable - Have I missed something?

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