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Help nite mode for my LAp Top

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Hi, i did a search, maybe not so good but i dont found any help on this one

i know all Planatarium Soft has the Nite mode vision, but there is a soft for windows to make it all not just the stellariun

is because i just prepare some xls list to get some notes from observations

thnks in advance

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Alternatively, I believe there's someone on ebay who sells red filters for laptop screens. I made an experimental one out of some red cellophane which worked fine, so I may make one for my new laptop with a suitable hard-wearing rim.


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I have had very little experience using a laptop with a night-vision screen, but from what I have seen, the light leakage from BEHIND the screen will still throw a bunch of white light around the area.

It would seem to me, too, that the red cellophane wrapped around the entire screen ( front, sides and back ) would do a better job of cutting out the white light, than just using "night mode" in such programs as Stellarium !

Be careful of the heat that those screens throw off. They may not be extremely hot, but they do warm up. And heat is the enemy of electronics !

Jim S

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That does remind me. Much of the light that you get from a laptop screen seems to be due to the backlight, not the actual image it's displaying, so an additional red filter is probably a better idea all round.

They can be really simple, too. My proof-of-concept one mentioned above was just some cellophane fixed between two frame-shaped pieces of card and it worked very well. The only problem I had with it (which is why I want a more substantial frame) was that it used to fall away from the screen if the weather was a bit breezy.


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