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What would I see?

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I'm thinking about upgrading from my NextStar 4SE to something like a C11 or 9.25 on the CG5 GOTO mount.

My main interest for visual, although, at some point I may fancy dablling in imaging of planets and DSOs. However, intially, my main concern is visual observing.

So, my main question is, what could I expect to see through either of the options mentioned? I'm based on the south coast, a few mile along from Worthing, so skies aren't always great for LP.

How clearly might I expect DSOs (mainly interested in nebuale and galaxies) to show themselves to the eye via these scopes? WOuld the mount be likely to cause issues for visual observing with these? I realise that it is not an ideal platform and would hope to upgrade it at some point.

The reason my 4SE hasn't had as much use as I would have hoped is partly due to an underwhelming experience in trying to see dimmer objects, hence the desire to go larger, but I don't want to spend the money only to find that we're still underwhelmed.

Thanks for any input / advice ,folks. Anyone near me got one that I might be able to come and gawp through? Thanks.

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Hi There,

Iwould advise you to have a look through these before purchase!. They are considerably more expensive than your 4se both in outright purchase and any 'extra' bits you might want. Both are exceptional scopes, bang for buck if you only want to view then try a dob!

In addition you mention the cg5 mount, if you are inexperienced in using equtorial mounts then this may be a baptism of fire. So find a local astro group, I bet you will find a high end CAT and a big DOB in there somewhere and I also bet they will be delighted to let you see through them.

I have a 10" lx as my main scope its on a standard mead mount and it is as much as I want to lift !..

Best Regards & Good Luck with your purchase.

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Chris both the C11 and C9.25 are great scopes. In fact the best view I have had of Saturn was with a C9.25 and some quality Pentax EPs.

Personally I would buy a 10" or 12" Dob if you just want the visual experience. It will cost you far less and if in the future you want to get into imaging then you won't have too many problems selling a good Dob.

As you see from my signature I have seen quite a few DSOs and some of the views through the 10" Dob and a quality EP has been increible. I will not forget a view I had of M13 and a 5mm Nagler EP.

So I would keep the 4SE for grab and go and buy a Dob.


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Thanks for the replies, folks. I had considered dobs but my concern is the size of them and issues relating to dust and stuff getting on the mirror surfaces. With the SCT design, I'm making the assumption that it will be easier to maintain. Previously, I had considered the Skywatcher 300PDS NEQ6 Pro but was put off by issues relating to size and maintenance.

In terms of decent eyepieces, what sort of thing would we be talking about? I currently have some Baader Hyperions and some Meade 4000 EPs. Would any of these cut the mustard?

Whatever I end up with, I still want my children to be able to look through the EP to enjuoy the wonders of the universe and hopefully feel inspired.

As I do some work as a photographer, another life long passion, I could imagine me wanting to start taking photos, whether they be of planets, the moon, or DSOs fairly soon. Again, this is a reason that I'm not too sure about a dob.

In terms of price, is there really that much between the C11 and a 300 GOTO dob? I'm sure I've seen the C11 for about £1550 and the dob at £1300.

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Chris - because the C11 and/or the C9.25 are both f/10 I believe that your Hyperions would certainly be OK. I have never used the Meade 4000 but again I would imagine in a F/10 scope they will be fine.

I accept that the SCT is more transportable and I do have problems carrying my 10" Dob 30 metres down the garden. I did think of buying an 8" SCT to be more portable.

There are many members on SGL that have Celestron SCTs and I am sure that they will advise you on the quality of DSO visual observing with these scopes.


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Hi There,

If you do not want goto, then the 12" Meade is about £820, goto skyliner around £1150.

Heartily agree with deepspacehunter, though they have clearer skies in the USA. The LX is quick to set up and controlled from my laptop I try to make use of the gaps in the cloud. None at the moment :-(.. Both scopes would be easy for your children to view.

Best Regards

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