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Really struggling with this

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Was this taken with a OSC CCD under bad light pollution?

Ive attached a version that removed the blue using pixinsight background neutralisation but you also have some colour gradients in there as well.

Edit: Just re attached the image after using some SCNR in pixinsight to remove the green tinge to the galaxy


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Once the blue and green was removed the gradient is just what you would expect under a full moon and the detail looks quite good considering its unprocessed really. Im sure on a moonless night with more subs you will have a much easier time processing this!

BTW in pixinsight to remove the blue I used background neutralization tool. Go process -> colour calibration -> background neutralization and have a play, you have to remove the blue before you do any other processing, so just use the screen transfer function to see what your working with.

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I never shoot anything but Ha if there is any moonlight whatever, including any peeping over the horizon. I'd start again, personally, though it might be possible to use what you have in greyscale to boost to the Lightness layer of a later image. (Just go into LAB colour mode, split channels, and see if layering on the greyscale does anything for the lightness image noise-wise.)


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