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Just a quick question about the on board LED

At the moment I (on the very rare nights I can) trying my hand at some planetary images and also some Lunar. At the minute I have only had the chance to take a few shots and not for many months :smiley: but will breaking the track that powers the LED make any difference for non LE photography?

I've read somewhere that it doesn't but is this the general consensus?

Thanks in advance


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will breaking the track that powers the LED make any difference for non LE photography?
I've read somewhere that it doesn't but is this the general consensus?
Well, it's my consensus :smiley: - you can't ask everybody :):evil6: So long as you cut the correct track (or just apply a pair of cutters to the LED itself) and don't damage another track or short something out, you'll be fine.
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Thanks for the replies :smiley:

This one will be modded when I can figure out all the requirements and pluck up the courage!

I'll maybe just do it when I have a spare 10 minutes as it will need doing at some point in the future.

Thanks again


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