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A big thank you ......and now a big sorry


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The thank you goes to Andy aka "black knight" for the sell of his Skywatcher 200P EQ5 GOTO..TO ME!!

A really nice guy and very helpful (the kids think mrs Black Knight and the hamsters are nice to).

Been playing all after noon with the mount and i think i'm getting my way around it, but i'l forget the setting circles for the time being and just work on polar alignment.

I believe a simple polar alignment would be enough for the GOTO as i only do visual use (for now) and then straight into star alignment?

Can't wait to get out and start using it and after sticking my head out the back door at 8pm the clouds came in so no go tonight,

so thats my sorry, sorry for the clouds in the South Wales area....new scope and all that.

So stand by all you EQ5 user's the questions will soon start flooding in

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Well, I feel the clouds are half my fault, since it was I who sold Dave the scope! Thanks for the very kind words Dave, it was great meeting you and your "tribe" today ;).

You should be able to get by without using the setting circles at all if you don't want to - I tried but gave up on them completely!

For reasonably accurate polar alignment there is a tool called (funnily enough) PolarFinder on the internet, but I don't have a link, sorry. But as has been mentioned, AstroBaby's guide is a good place to start. But for visual use, you can probably get away with being a little imprecise.

Have fun.

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