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Binocular collimation too delicate??

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Dissappointingly had a second pair of Revelation 20x80's arrive out of collimation... As the engineer of the shop 'tested' this second pair to make sure I was going to be happy, its supposedly the fault of the courier hub. Thing is if I'm going to be using these binoculars for a long time to come, it worries me that they seem so delicate? Surely, as they are packaged rather well with, certainly protected more than if they were in daily use, they should be able to make it past the couriers in collimation?? Especially as these bino's have the steel bar supports to aid keep colimation for example... Don't know what to think really, but starting to get a wee fed up now.... Maybe, I should of stuck with my little Bresser Safari's!!. Thing is, I do like the image scale, etc with the bigger bino's. Any thoughts anyone regarding the reliability of collimation through the delivery process and day to day use [and knocks]....


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I've only ever had a problem with bins that I dropped :BangHead: - i guess you've been unlucky twice or else the shop tried to "fix" the first pair and didn't do it properly. I wouldn't let it put you of as big bins are amazing for starfields and clusters....

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To be fair it was a collect and swap, so deffo' 2 pairs not upto scratch. Looks like the 3rd pair won't be with me now till Monday. Really hoping I'm unlucky as I can't wait to use big un's at night... Even if the 3rd set come fine, I just feel unsure now about the reliability of the collimation during actual daily use and wondered if I have any cause to be...

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Thanks Ed for the nod...

Just to say my 3rd pair of Revelation bin's arrived this afternoon and this set seems spot on... I'm glad because I started to think I ought to cancel... Anyhows, now these are in 'full working order' I'm glad I've got them.. The daytime views are super and from the brief session I had with the earlier pairs at night they are going to be a favoured observing tool me thinks.... Much preferred them to my 10x50's.... :)

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