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TIF won't open in Registax, what do?

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I'm trying to open a TIF in Registax and I keep getting an 'Access Violation' error come up. I have read that it has trouble with dslr images but is there any solution?

I can save it as another format like jpeg in photoshop I guess if I absolutely had to but that kind of defeats the purpose.

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No, I didn't use a jpeg in the end and went for a 16bit .png. Not entirely sure if it was the right choice though. The file was originally a single raw image from the dslr opened in PS and saved as a tif from there. But I tried both 5.1 and 6 and it was a no go, I did download avistack and it opened in there but I'm used to regi.

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I have just opened a CR2 file in PS Elements (My CS2 doesn't recognise them) and saved it as an uncompressed tif which then opened ok in both Registax 5 & 6. Did you have any form of compression when saving the tif? That may be the problem.


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I checked the 'none' option for compression so I don't think that's the problem. I just tried using GIMP and it changed it from 16 bit to 8 bit so Gimp could read it and then I saved it but registax still wouldn't load it.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to bring this up again but I have had the same thing happen but this time a tif wouldn't open in photoshop. The warning box said "Could not open because not enough RAM". I never did find a solution to the registax problem either and it's odd because everything worked fine before.

Any ideas?

Is it just that I don't have enough space and should delete a heap of things?

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Sorry about the delay, the kids went mental for a bit.

The hard disk has C: D: and E:. D: has 2.5 GB free from 14.3GB and has one file inside called recovery and E: is empty all together. It's just the way the PC came I haven't changed it.

In PS it says......

available RAM is 5322MB

ideal range 2392-3832MB

let PS use 3193MB (60%)

And the box for the C: drive is the only one checked for the scratch files.

My virus scan came back with a load of tracking cookies that I got rid of but nothing else.

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Id the HDD going crazy when you try and open an image... have you defragged the HDD lately?

When I set up a machine I ideally use partitions on different physical drives for windows swap and PS temp files.

If it's only a single drive then I create seperate smallish partitions for windows swap (pagefiles) and temp files... and use a fixed windows pagefile...

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Not much is happening I just get the error messages pop up pretty quickly, I haven't defragged it at all so I'll give that a go today.

I could probably create seperate partitions too I guess if it will help. I'm willing to try anything.

edit: Just checked Defragg is scheduled every Wedensday, but I'm doing one now.

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