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UK Astronomy Holiday

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Here's the deal, the wife and I could do with a week away from it all. No kids and work is flexible so we can go any time. We drive so can get anywhere in the UK no problem.

I'm looking for a week away somewhere that has good dark skies. I know there is always a strong possibility that I'll book somewhere only to find when I get there, its cloudy every night, so, it would be good if the place also had other things to see just in case the Astronomy didn't work out. I like eating out, pubs, walks that kind of thing.

Also, I would really like the place to have other scopes to play with, I have my own but I'm new to this, I would love to see some DSO from a 10" or bigger.

Any ideas?



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Sounds like you need a star party bubby. There's plenty coming up at the autumn equinox around Sept/Oct time (summers usually too light). These tend to be organised events so plenty of astronomers, scopes, talks, trade stands usually abound.

Check out the star party threads for dates or google them - coming up there's Dumfries and Galloway (national dark site), Kielder Forest star camp (both relatively near for you to get to). The there's Kelling Heath near Cromer (largest in Europe some say), Peak Star Party in Derbyshire, SGL's own star party in Lucksall Herefordshire, Salisbury SP, Isle of Wight, just to name a few :)

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Hi bbb , Try Mike Alexander's place in Galloway ( just over the Scottish border and down the Solway Firth ) Galloway Astronomy Centre .

Mike and his good lady escaped north from West Yorkshire and set up this place a few years ago now . There are plenty of non- astro things to do in the area too! Straight up the M6 and turn left.

P.S. Missing Bury Black Puds :)

Len E

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm with Brantuk on this - you need a Star Party...

There are a few star parties on in October but, for real quality, you need to come to the Peak Star Party!

(only joking - Kielder and Salisbury star parties are renowned for being great and, for dark skies in a reasonably accessible part of the country, Kielder reservoir is hard to beat). It would be great to see you in the Peaks in October, though :)

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