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Is it a case of the more the better


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I dont think you can have too much data, but you can have exposure that are too long... If the exposure time is to long on a bright subject you will over expose it, losing detail and colour.

The more subs you can get the better the image will be. People normally get to a certain amount, and after a point you will start to pull out very faint detail... the question is how much moretime do you put in to an image, if the result is only going to be marginally different....



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Try to take at least 30, but there is generally very little incremental improvement above 100. If you take more, you can be more ruthless in rejecting 'substandard' subs though. I try and take 90, aiming for 60 keepers, but generally run out of time (patience) and end up with 30-40 usable subs.

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No one ever had too much data...

You simply can't give a 'one size fits all' answer to this. Shoot a cluster, which is either background or bright, and you will get a good result in an hour and a half.

Shoot a dark nebula, which is either dark or even darker, and you will need the longest subs you can take and as many of them as possible. Many nights.


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