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Com port help needed.

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I've spent the last few days rejigging my obsevatory, and in the process, have added a couple of USB hubs.

The problem is that now I can't get my Trutek filter wheel, or robofocus, to work at all.

What I now have is a Belkin 4 way powered USB hub on the mount, and a Trust 10 way powered USB hub at the computer.

Communication with the mount is via seriel to serial on COM1, and USB to serial on COM7. These are both working fine.

When I plug another USB-seriel adapter in (The Trutek wheel and Robofocus both use these), I see the adapter appear in device manager on a high com port number.

When I go to the advanced tab under properties, and have a look at available com ports, it tells me that COM1 to COM15 are all in use, even though only com 1 and com 7 actually are.

In order to connect the Trutek, I only have a choice from COM1 to COM8.

If I disconnect the USB-serial adapter, and connect into another USB socket on either hub, it then comes up one com port higher....in other words, if I was to try this now, it would come up in COM16.

I have also tried installing a 4 way Serial to USB hub, but it removes my original serial port and causes a crash to blue screen for some reason, so this approach isn't working.

Can anyone help....I need to find out why the lower number com ports are being seen as in use when they aren't, and map the trutek and robofocus to them.



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Sorry...forgot to mention.

The computer is a Dell inspiron 8200 with XP home.

It has always worked fine before now with both the Trutek and Robofocus.


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Sorry Rob been out in the garden ...

select one and delete it...

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.

2. At a command prompt, type the following command , and then press ENTER:

set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1

3. Type the following command at command prompt, and then press ENTER:

start devmgmt.msc

4. Click View > Show hidden devices. This will display devices that are not connected to your computer but Windows XP still reserves space for them.

5. Go to Ports (COM & LPT) and expand that section.

6. Remove all devices in the list of ports that are grayed out but have a specific COM port number assigned to them. (You can do this by right clicking on the grayed out device and choosing Uninstall and then OK in the dialog box that appears).

7. When you are finished troubleshooting, close the Device Manager.

8. Type exit in the Command Prompt

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Here's what I get when I look under the advanced properties.....as you can see, all of the lower COM ports are listed as in use. They don't appear when looking at the device manager though, even though I've done what you chaps have said.


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This has always worked for me in XP and Vista :D

You havent missed out the View -> Show Hidden Devices bit in Device manager?

Might need a refresh as well...

If that doesnt workj Im stuck...

p.s. Popping back and fore as I am cutting the grass before the rain comes back...

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No Peter....I've got it showing hidden devices.

I just unplugged all of the USB hubs and restarted, but it still shows all the com ports as being in use.

I'm seeing the USB-serial devices when I plug them in, but can't get a low enough com port number to connect them....most frustrating :D

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Everything I have got plugged in is showing Kevin, together with its port number.

What I can't understand is why it says that loads of ports are in use when I'm not using them. The only access I have is to ports 1, 4 and 7.

I can connect into higher port numbers but don't have the option to go above number 8 in robofocus.

As regards the trutek wheel....I just tried it on another computer straight out of the serial port and it still doesn't work, so I suspect I have a fault.


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What I would do.. is delete them all ... and start again

Any com port thats associated with a device thats not connected is normally greyed out...

Just popped in between mowing the lawn and taking the leaves of the tomato's no peace for the wicked...


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At a complete and utter loss then rob.. I have just fired up my netbook and usign this method the usb devices that arent connected are greyed out..

I would be inclinned to

physically remove all the usb connected devices...

Power down the computer

Restart it (still with no USB devices connected)

go through the Command prompt method posted earlier ( Device manager must be started from the command prompt it cant be started from the control panel for it to show hiddden devices) ...

Remove any greyed out entries for com ports, USB hubs etc

Exit Device manager

Reboot and see what happens...

If this doesnt work then in the words of the games showe.. "Sorry I haven't a clue..."


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Sorted.....I used this method and all the ports etc were shown.

Viewing non-present devices in Windows XP's Device Manager | TechRepublic

I deleted all the ports apart from COM1 and then started again.

The Trutek wheel doesn't work, but I think that's a different issue and I can always swap it for an old Atik manual wheel that I've got lying around.

Thanks for all your help Peter :D



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Glad you got it sorted... Sorry you had to go and look for more info - its essentially the same method :D:icon_scratch:

I know I have posted the "how to " several times over the years...

I normally use a batch file to set the variables and start the managment console...

Create a file hidden_ports.bat using notepad with these two lines...

set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1

start devmgmt.msc

I leave mine on the desktop..

Then just double click it to run it...

If there are any spelling mistakes in the variable name it won't work...

Try and always plug the same devices into the same ports every time... is you move a hub between ports on the PC sometimes all the devices conencted to it will create new instances..

I have started labelling all the connections at any point a cable plugs into a device...


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Try and always plug the same devices into the same ports every time... is you move a hub between ports on the PC sometimes all the devices conencted to it will create new instances..

I have started labelling all the connections at any point a cable plugs into a device...


That's what I'm doing Peter....the whole obsy has been rerigged and labelled. It's taken all week to get everything back together and it looks like I might get to the point tonight of being able to get drift aligned and get my focal reducer spacings all set ready for my 2 months break in August and September.

I've now got 4 scopes on the mount....the TMB152, Edge 11, TMB80/480 and WO ZS80FD, and I've got a Starlight Xpress MX25C on its way to add to the camera collection :p....not exactly portable :D

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lol Like it .. should cover most things :D Good luck with the knitting but I gues your used to the odd few cables :)

I still haven't got the CPC aligned again .. I had planned to do it last weekend but the wasps nest in the obs roof put paid to that...

I was hoping for clear skies tonight to try the Viven ED81S out with its reducer but not looking too promising :)

Clear skies :p


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Glad to hear Peter has cracked the problem Rob.

I had to leave the thread early to go play in a golf competition.

Unfortunately, thunder /lightning, and torrential rain put paid to the event.

Hope your new setup is soon up and running without anymore glitches.

Give my regards to Amanda. And Nelson of course.:D


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Rob went digging Ron... the other methods didn't wwork.. but he got there in the end :D

Sorry to hear your comp was cut short but thunder/lightning anf golf dont mix well...

I guess you know the joke about which club do you hold up in a thunderstorm? A 1 Iron because no even G*D can hit a 1 iron... (abridged version and abbreviated to avoid contravening the no religion rules....)

Your having a worse summer than we are up there :p


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