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150p neximage solar

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hi all,

I tried imaging the sun yesterday with my sw 150p, neximage and a 0.45x reducer lens. Even with the reducer fitted I still could not fit the whole sun onto the screen of laptop.

I was however using a full aperture solar filter. If I used the smaller hole on the main end cap, would the sun appear smaller using the same setup as above, therefore allowing me the full image onto the screen.

Also, will I have the same problem with the moon? The who9le reason I brought the reducer was so I could get a full image of the moon with the neximage.



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Changing the aperture won't affect the size of the image.

The size is controlled by the effective focal length of the scope. With your x0.45 reducer you've already reduced it from 750mm to 337mm.

The size of the sun (and moon) is roughly 1/100 the focal length so it would appaer about 3.5mm in diameter - just too big for your webcam chip.....

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thanks merlin.

gotta say, im dissapointed :/

How do people get whole images of the moon then? and also, what is the point in a reducer if not for this purpose? and a 2nd also.. hwo do we know the size of the neximage chip?

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why did i think it would work for me? because i have no idea what im doing, thats why. young dumb and full of.. oh wait, i expelled that this morning :) lol.

I was hoping it would work, thats all. I assumed a reducer was the opposite of a barlow and so i brought one to try it. will test on the moon - if theres not much difference then il sell it.

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