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Synscan AZ Goto problems

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Just got a SW 102 Refractor with Synscan AZ goto mount:). I can successfully align using brightest star or 2 star method. When I choose an object to goto and say go, although the scope slews to the object it never actually stops and often sets off seemingly endlessly to an unknown distination:(. When I get fed up with waiting I escape from the slewing and use the directional keys and slew to the next object myself. Any ideas?:)

Clear skies and dark nights,


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Are you putting the date time and location in properly? Dates in mmddyy format and lat/long in degs mins secs iirc. Helps if the mount is level. Dunno if you can set the hemisphere but if you can make sure it's correct, and ensure the time zone and daylight saving is set appropriately.

Finally double check the stars you are lining up on (make sure they aren't wrong) and use only a quarter of the sky at a time. The PAE helps with accuracy too so do use that :)

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Thanks for your help. What is daylight saving? and TZ entered as -0.00

I'm sure I've entered date & time & location ok but I will redouble my checks next time out. I can remember on 1 occassion the handset saying I was 2deg off. I'll certainly use PAE.

Thanks again.

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