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NGC 7027 - Planetary Nebula in Cygnus


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Apparently this is one of the smallest planetary nebulae known! It is 18 arcseconds in size and is a relatively bright mag 10, which made it easy to pick up in a moderate power eyepiece with my 12". Dreyer noted it as stellar, but I could see alot more than just a point of light!

Sketch: 12" x300 magnification



The nebula was split into two parts. At the western end (bottom of sketch) it was larger and brighter. A nuclear condensation appeared offset, with material fading out more slowly to its north/northeast.

A darker line split it from the eastern section, which was dominated by a brighter arc of material.

The whole nebula was surrounded by a fainter fuzzy glow that faded out to the background space. There was a very slight grey-blue colour to the whole thing too.

All in all an interesting find in Cygnus.

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Excellent sketch Seb. It must have been hard to follow the object at x300 mag. You can’t have had much time sketching before you carefully had to put the object back in the FOV.

You and the others who sketch should send your sketches into this website > ASOD submissions | Astronomy Sketch of the Day

It would be cool to see sketches on there by fellow SGLer's!

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Another great sketch. I had no idea there were quite so many of these little planetaries about.

So many objects to look for and yet so few clear nights to do the looking :)

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