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1st Stacked image

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Hi all,

Attached is my very first DSO stacked image. Only managed 3 subs and 2 darks on this, exposure was 1 min each and ISO 400.

I found post processing difficult and struggled to bring out the colour of the Ring Nebula.

I would be very grateful from those in the know what they think of the overall image and how I can improve on this.

Many thanks



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You seem to have pulled out the colour for the ring very nicely. You also have tight round stars so focus and tracking are going well.

There is a cyan cast, I'm guessing you were using a light pollution filter. Also the ring is quite dim so the histogram needs stretching using levels and curves. Stretching an 8bit jpeg doesn't really work very well but I've had a go and also corrected the cyan cast in the stars. I used the colour balance tool in photoshop to do this working on the highlights.

After stretching there as a bit of vignetting to sort out and I used a PS plug in called gradient exterminator to do this.


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Thanks for the encouragement and having a tweak of my image. Much appreciated!

What software did you use to stretch the histogram?

I didn't actually use any filters, just had the camera mounted straight on to the telescope. The cyan might have been a result of me messing about with the RGB levels and saturation etc?



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Processing FTW. DSS does have some basic tools that produce a good effect, it might be best to master the basics first before you move up to Photoshop. You could also download Gimp, not as good as Photoshop but you can practice.

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Martin, i have used most of your tutorials in learning my way through AP on PS...thank you! They are very well written and easy to follow...many tutorials out there are not clear and coincise like yours, and leave you almost as confused as when you started...great work!

Drumsolo, I was in your shoes about six months back in terms of PS competence. I would strongly recommend you get a basic PS book and study, practice, study, practice. I used and highly recommend "Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual". I don't have the author's name in front of me, but it comes with tutorials on CD Rom that are extremely helpful. Trust me, if you learn the short cuts, menus and capabilities of PS before diving headlong into AP, you will get there quicker. The missing manual series has a different book for each version of PS.....I still use mine all the time, even though i have the basics down.

I use Maxim DL and AIP4Win for stacking, calibration, advanced algorithms, etc..., but as Martin points out, you need to start using Photoshop...there is no substitute for what it can do, only pale imitations. It is a very powerful tool that, once you master the basics, will take your astrophotos to the next level and beyond...good luck!

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