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Forcast was clear(ish) last night, but as per usual it wasn't, so decided to have an early night for a change. Got to the top of the landing and took a last peek out of the window........A STAR!!!!

Legged it back down and fired up the kit, and managed to grab 3/4 hour of this before the sun started to rise.

3 x 15 mins Ha

12 x 5 mins RGB

ED80 x 2, QHY9 mono and osc

Obviously going to need a few more hours and a bit more processing, but its a start.:)


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it's a very good start. Some rather odd red flecks though

Yeah, I've pushed the processing waaayyy past where it should be, and put a huge amount of smoothing/noise reduction on due to the lack of frames....will improve with time (he says hopefully) :)

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