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First attempt at the Cocoon neb (IC 5146)


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First attempt at the Cocoon neb.

Details: 60 mins (10 x 6 min subs) at ISO 800 with Canon DSLR, Altair Astro 8-inch f4 and Baader MPCC flattener and UHC-S filter.

Camera was cooled to 1º C in my chiller box and guided with a Helios ST80, QHY5 and PHD on NEQ-6 Pro mount.

Not sure what colour it should be so its a best guess - looked on the web for some idea but it seems almost any colour will do!

Comments gratefully accepted (good or bad)


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I'd say the colour was pretty good, too, as is the rest of the image. It does have a fair bit of noise so more subs would help, but I guess you are not shooting in real darkness either? That would account for it.


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jsigone / Olly, Many thanks. Dark skies at the moment are virtually impossible. Final 3 frames of this sets show considerable brightening as dawn began its approached (about 02:20 ish). I'm try a re-process this morning omitting those frames to see if I can extract anymore information. Like you say needs more subs and less LP... Francis

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I've added further sub frames to the original image last night. Total now at 2.5 hrs in 5, 8 and 10 minute subs. Processing and conditions as per original image.

Now showing as full frame and I've held back on the saturation. Hope you like... Francis


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