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Magnitude Limits

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Hi Guys

I know this is a bit of a it depends on your location but i'm asking anyway....

I have a C9.25 which is an F10 scope, if i lived in an area with a bortle of 1 (super dark skies) (i dont) what would the lowest magnitude i could see objects at.

Currently in south east london & can see (on very good nights) magnitudes up to 7.

Im just wondering how far i could get out there, im getting ready to move out of london and dark skies is a factor that im going consider (along with price, parking, travel etc..)


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No problem Alan. I'm no expert by any means but looking at that bortle chart I couldn't help but LOL. I can only assume it is American and give the vast distances some of there towns can be apart I'm sure there are some real dark skies but the eye doesn't have a LX mod so mag 6 is pretty much the top end on the magnitude scale.

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