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Omega DSRL Filtter ?


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In this months S@N magazine there is a full page advert by Omega Optical (USA) for an amature astronomy fillter which they call an XAF-HPOIII. The advert suggests that these filters improve DSLR images of Nebulae. I am gussing that it is a composite filter, one of which is an OIII. I know the company are highly reputable as they made the fillters for the Hubble. Has anyone had any experience of using this filter? Does it realy enhance structure and does it cut down on LP?

Below is a graph from the Omega website of the spectra of what they call a typical HPOIII, so I do not know if it is the same as the XAF-HPOIII ?


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Ebay Omega Optical? They do have some "astronomical" filters but in reality what they have are "industry" filters for various machine vision/scientific imaging. What you see above is a poor O-III like filter. CLS CCD or UHC is way better. Omega is handy if you want a filter type that isn't made by astro-filters companies (like He-II, He-I, TiO filters).

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