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SETI closing down ATA?


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The SETI Institute has temporarily pulled the plug on the renowned Allen Telescope Array, a field of radio dishes that scan the skies for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations, conduct observations of our galaxy and other galaxies, gamma ray bursts and transient radio sources.

SETI is looking for donations at https://setistars.org/ to help bring ATA back online..This $200,000 challenge allows SETI to resume scanning the skies ..

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Isn't this old news? Anyway, it's not closing down - it's going into hibernation. It was expensive to keep going and it wasn't as effective as they wanted it to be since they don't have the money to add the arrays it was designed to have in the first place.

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It's not old news, because this morning, SETI launched a website called SETIstars to try to gather funds to resurrect the ATA. SETIstars opens with a concrete goal: Raise $200,000 in 40 days to bring the ATA back online. Once the ATA is up and running again, it also has a clear goal: Aim directly at potentially habitable planets to see if anyone’s there. Just before the telescope shut down, SETI laid out plans for a two-year program to observe exoplanets discovered by NASA’s Kepler spacecraft that could support liquid water, and maybe life.


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Aliens don't use radio. That is old hat. They use pulse-code modulated tachyons so SETI were barking up the wrong tree!

There's always some die-hard fans who use older technology, often with very good reason. Film, vinyl, UHF, whatever. It's the eccentric aliens we're going for ;)

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There's always some die-hard fans who use older technology, often with very good reason. Film, vinyl, UHF, whatever. It's the eccentric aliens we're going for ;)

Bean cans and string, the future is here, now, tonight.

The only snag is finding a piece of string long enough.

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